COVID-19 Operating Policy Update Aug

1 minute read

Update Certification Audits and Assessments. Update

During this unprecedented time we wanted to update you on how we’re approaching the situation and how this affects your certifications such as Cyber Essentials Plus and IASME Governance.

To support both you and us, we are moving ALL auditing activities to remote audits from 20th March 2020 for the rest of 2020. This means that if you have an audit in 2020 this will now be conducted remotely.

We do already offer this as an option to customers who are on at least their second year audits but this will now be extended to all new clients.

What to expect.

Your Assessor will contact you a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your audit to discuss the logistics for your audit and explain the process. This will in most cases require a VPN account creating to access your company network. If you do not have this as an option or are operating a home working policy then we will have to work this through on an individual basis and we will try to be as flexible as possible while maintaining compliance with the standards. There may be elements of your audit that we are simply unable to complete remotely. If this is the case, your Assessor will inform you of the next steps and how we will ensure the integrity and maintenance of your certification. Stay safe, be well and make sure to wash your hands. Policy Issued 20/3/2020 updated 22/7/2020
